- Pension Call Center
- 1599-2080
Category | DB | DC | IRP |
Concept |
Who operates reserves |
Employer | Employer | Employer |
Employer’s contributions |
Employer’s contributions vary depending on operational results (The higher the operational returns, the lower the employer’s contributions) |
Employer’s contributions are fixed at a specific rate of employee salaries (At least 1/12th of subscriber’s total annual salary) |
None (But corporate-type IRP is the same as DC) |
Retirement benefits |
Fixed (Determined based on years of service and salary level at time of retirement / same as the current retirement benefit system) |
Floating (Retirement benefits vary according to operational returns) |
Floating (Retirement benefits vary according to operational returns) |
Tax deduction | None |
Deducted (Limited to subscriber’s additional contributions) |
Deducted (Limited to subscriber’s additional contributions) |
Early withdrawal | Not permitted | When requirements are met | When requirements are met |
Appropriate employer/ employee |
Stable company with job security and no risk of bankruptcy |