Hana Bank’s Competitiveness

You want a secure and trustworthy financial partner to help you prepare for retirement on your terms.
Hana Bank, a leading Korean financial institution, can help you achieve your retirement pension plans.

Exclusive Consultation Services

Hana Bank provides asset management consulting services that seek stability and profitability at the same time

  1. 01. Unlike older retirement products that merely involve external funding of a company’s retirement fund, a retirement pension is a way of planning for employees’ later years and a basic benefit system.
  2. 02. When companies implement retirement pension plans, they compare and review a range of plans and try to select the best plan to maximize cost efficiency.
  3. 03. Employees also think about which plan is best for them.
  4. 04. Both companies and employees want experts’ opinions about severance pay and pension amount and appropriateness to consider it as retirement savings for employees’ later years based on the pension model.
  5. 05. The consulting process involves establishing a model that creates a win-win situation for both employees and company through a wide-ranging analysis of needs, and designing a portfolio that brings cost reduction for the firm and maximum profit to employees.

Plan Implementation Consulting Process


    Which plan should I choose?

    • Analyze advantages and disadvantages
      of DB & DC
    • Review employee’s needs
  2. HOW

    What kind of plan should be established?

    • Consider implementation methods, Structure an appropriate pension plan
    • Analyze cost and encashment through simulations

    Confirm retirement pension plan

    • Employer-employee communication
    • Review investment strategy, management method, etc.

Asset Management Consulting Process

  1. Retirement pension investment strategy establishment(ALM)
    Consider retirement pension management policy, contribution policy, investment style
    (devise management guidelines through organizational diagnosis of financial soundness, managerial effectiveness, risk management and retirement rate, or determining style)
  2. Asset allocation
    based on investment strategy
    Carry out mid- & long-term investment tactics based on long term investment strategy
    (allocate assets to savings, beneficiary certificates, stocks and bonds considering asset risk level, investment period, and ratio of current assets)
  3. Investment performance check
    Review performance regularly and rebalance it by investment assets
    (check investment performance of each product at regular intervals, respond appropriately to changes in market conditions)

TOTAL Consulting Process

하나은행 퇴직연금 통합 컨설팅
  • Provision of Retirement Pension Products

    Reserve-related products and pension products provided by banks, securities companies, insurance companies and asset management companies (management expertise and specialist support)

  • Contract Management Support

    Provide retirement pension regulations and contract forms and support when drawing up a contract

  • Retirement Pension Implementation Consulting Support

    Provide a consulting system and specialist support on implementing the ideal retirement pension plan for each corporate environment and employee

  • Employee Educational Support

    Educational support through several channels including online, on-site training, and training with written materials